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» hehehehe.. Hello
by Admin Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:50 am

» Hello Forum MEmbers
by blackace Sun Sep 12, 2010 7:47 am

» Welcome to my Forum
by legion61997 Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:33 am

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Okay, here are a few basic rules for the forum. Staff members may make suggestions in the Moderator's section. Once you hit 5 total warns we will ban you for at least 1 week. This doesn't mean we cant ban you before you get 5 warns. Forum Rules Overall 1. No porn. 2. No warez. 3. No flaming. 4. No Dox'ing 5. No spamming. 6. No posting about (D)DoSing anything 7. Do not post sites like Rickrolls, 2g1c, and or anything else with annoying javascript. 8. No advertising other forums. (Linking counts) 9. Do not bump dead, useless threads. 10. No selling trainers. Do it on a different forum. 11. Post in the correct section and don't go off-topic. 13. Trading of accounts or any items is only done in the Black Market section. 14. Use common sense! If something is not mentioned here then that doesn't mean it's allowed. 15. Do not post threads asking people to sign up to a site for like money, points, or for something of monetary value. Server advertising You may only advertise if the 2 requirements below are met: 1. The server is playable. 2. The server is completely open to the public. Chatbox Rules 1. No spamming. 2. No porn/gore linking. 3. Do not make posts with random characters, hiding messages in the cbox. 6. No adverting Private Servers on Cbox. 8. Do not ask why you cannot play WQW. You must be activated and at the moment it is down. Guidelines 1. Report rule-breaking. 2. Use English as best as you can. 3. Be friendly and help other people out, don't harass people. 4. Don't disrespect moderators just because they warn you.